Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Dream

My dream.....why not "my dreams"?
Because I have only one thing I've been longing for.
Go on reading to find out what it is.....

Soon after I got married six years ago, me & my husband moved to our house. A little house far far far far away from the city. I love the house despite of the circumstances. Too bad we had to move out after 3 months livin in it. My father in law was seriously ill. My husband decided to move back into his parents house (without having any discussion with me). A few months after we moved back, his father passed away.

And so we live here ever since, with my mother in law, brothers in law, sisters in law, and nieces. So many people live here. No wonder, the house is big. Big family. My husband is the eighth of eleven brothers & sisters.

Living with in laws is not easy. Never will be. I have no privacy. Sometimes people just come in to my room without knockin at my door. With brothers in law around, I had to wear hijab/jilbab almost everytime. Except when I'm in my room. Can you imagine how stress my hair become? How about my heart? my mind? my feeling?

A lot of people means a lot of different personality, different oppinions. It has never been easy to deal with a different person, not to mention a lot of people. I am sorry, I don't think I can go on.....

Now I think you can guess what my dream is.

Yes, I'm just an ordinary woman. My dream is just like other married woman's dream. To live in our very own house. Just me, my husband, and my kids.

We have sold the house we owned at our first year of marriage. Alhamdulillah, we've bought a new one about one and a half years ago. But now the house is rented for a year to come.

I've asked my husband to move out many many times. But he could not granted my wish. He could not leave his old mother. So I have to wait and be patient for...I don't know how long.

Now I can only pray and ask for Allah's mercy to make my dream come true, because it seems to be very hard for my husband to give me what I've always wanted. The one and only dream I have. I shall never dream of anything else until this one is granted.


  1. waduh ga ngerti bahasa inggris aq bu,hehehe

  2. wkwkwkkwkw,ga mudeng

  3. semoga bisa segera mandiri, do'akan saya juga karena untuk saat ini dalam posisi yg sama seperti mbak. thanks dah mampir keep blogwalking !!

  4. @anto84, maaf ya...saya lagi pengen melancarkan english saya lagi. Dah lama gak kepake sejak berhenti ngantor. Jadi berusaha nulis in english. mati2an lho itu bikinnya...:-)
    Saya coba bikin yang bahasanya sesimpel mungkin. Thanks ya sudah mau mampir.

    @rice2gold, amiin...saya doakan anda juga. thanks juga dah mampir...:-)
