Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hello Guyz...

Alhamdulillah, I've recovered from cough & flu. Now I can start blogging again.

These last couple of days I've been working on my online business blog. I made a review of an e-book. The product of www.uangpanas.com.

The e-book contains all the information you need to begin your personal online business. From A to Z of online business. The e-book was made specially for the beginners not for the experts. The material is easy to understand, the theory is applicable easily.

I would say that this is a must have book for you if you are really interested in online business.
You can see my review in Bahasa HERE.


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Monday, December 15, 2008

Ngaji Yuks....

Teman-teman, Umi lagi sakit nih. Jadi agak pusing kalo mau ngeblog in English. Kali ini in Bahasa aja ya..
Begini ceritanya...

Setelah absen cukup lama, akhirnya saya ngaji lagi di tempat Uni Yen. Senaang sekali rasanya bisa ketemu teman-teman dan Ustadzah Barkah yang mungkin bagi sebagian orang cara mengajarnya agak saklek, tapi ngangenin. Kalau ngga datang ke pengajian rasanya ada yang kurang.

Ibu-ibu teman pengajian juga senang sekali ketemu saya lagi. Apalagi sama my baby, Azkiya yang makin hari makin chubby aja. Iya, saya ngaji sambil bawa bayi umur 3 bulan kurang 4 hari. Kata Ustadzah Barkah, insya Allah nanti jadi ustadzah kalau sudah besar. Amiiin...

Hari ini membahas Al-Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah ayat 127 - 176.
Sebelumnya kami harus membaca dulu satu halaman Al-Qur'an tiap orang. Ada yang sudah lancar, banyak juga yg masih terbata-bata membacanya. Alhamdulillah saya termasuk yang sudah lancar walau kadang masih suka keseleo dikit, hehehe....

Salut buat ibu-ibu yang masih terbata-bata itu. Mereka tidak malu & masih mau belajar walaupun sudah tidak muda lagi. Kalau saya belajar membaca Al-Qur'an sejak kecil. Dulu, setiap habis maghrib saya pergi ke pengajian milik adiknya nenek saya. Berarti masih nenek saya juga.

Ni mau cerita apa sih koq sampai bawa nenek-nenek segala???? hehehehe...

Mau cerita & menyampaikan kembali ilmu yang saya dapat dari pengajian itu.....
Adalah kewajiban bagi kita untuk menyampaikan & mengamalkan ilmu yang kita miliki. Kan ada ayatnya (lupa ada di surah apa) "sampaikanlah daripada Ku walaupun hanya satu ayat".

Ada salah satu teman saya yang bertanya, jawaban apa yang sebaiknya kita berikan jika anak kita bertanya "Allah itu di mana, bunda?". Bu Barkah menjawab, "Katakan pada anak kita bahwa Allah itu tidak bertempat, kalau Allah bertempat berarti sama donk dengan kita.... Katakan pada anak kita bahwa Allah ada di hati kita". Benar juga ya.... kalau kita bilang bahwa Allah itu ada di atas atau di langit, nanti anak kita minta naik pesawat, supaya bisa lihat Allah. Sama seperti Fir'aun yang minta dibuatkan piramid karena ingin melihat Tuhannya Nabi Musa.
Kalau kita bilang Allah di hati kita kan gak mungkin anak kita minta melihat Allah. Kalo nekat juga .....dijamin pasti bisa lihat Allah deh.... Tapi sebelumnya harus dibelah dulu dadanya, hehehehe..... (ih syereeem.....)

Dalam mengamalkan ajaran agama Islam kita tidak boleh hanya berpegang pada satu ayat saja. Karena setiap ayat & Surah dalam Al-Qur'an itu saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Harus dilihat juga sebab turunnya ayat itu.

Seperti dalam cerita berikut ini, mungkin teman-teman pernah mendengarnya. Dahulu ada seorang suami yang hendak pergi ke luar untuk suatu urusan. Dia berpesan pada istrinya untuk diam di rumah, tidak boleh pergi ke mana-mana. Pada saat sang suami sedang pergi datanglah utusan dari orang tua si istri, mengabarkan bahwa orang tuanya sedang sakit keras dan mengharapkan kedatangan anaknya. Wanita itu akhirnya memilih diam di rumah karena mengharap ridho suami, yang mana ridho suami adalah ridho Allah bagi seorang wanita yang sudah menikah. Akhirnya orang tua wanita itu meninggal dunia sebelum melihat anaknya. Dan karena ketaatan anaknya pada suaminyaa itu orang tua wanita itu akhirnya masuk surga.

Helloooooo....itu kan jaman dulu...belum ada ponsel kaya sekarang ini. Jika saya berada dalam posisi wanita itu, saya akan telfon atau sms suami saya. Minta ijin suami untuk menemui orang tua yang sedang sakit. Suami saya pasti mengijinkan. Kalaupun suami saya tidak mengijinkan, saya akan tetap pergi. Kenapa? Berarti melanggar perintah suami donk..... Sebagai seorang istri kita memang harus taat pada perintah suami dengan catatan selama itu tidak bertentangan dengan perintah Allah. Kalau Suami melarang kita untuk bertemu orang tua berarti sudah melanggar lebih dari satu perintah Allah. Pertama, perintah untuk menyambung silaturahmi. Kedua, perintah untuk berbuat baik kepada orang tua. Yang model begini, gak apa-apa bahkan wajib bagi kita untuk tidak mentaatinya.

Demikian pula halnya apabila suami tidak mengijinkan istrinya untuk memakai hijab/jilbab. Memakai jilbab untuk menutup aurat itu adalah perintah dari Allah untuk semua muslimah yang sudah baligh. Maka wajib bagi istri untuk tidak mentaati suami yang seperti ini. Dan wajib pula untuk mengingatkan suami bahwa ia salah atau mungkin lupa. Para suami...jangan marah ya kalau diingatkan oleh istri. Suami-suami kan juga manusia. Tempatnya salah dan lupa.

Sampai di sini dulu ya pengajiannya. Lain waktu disambung lagi. Wassalamu'alakum wr.wb.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

About Online Business

It's been a while since my last post. I've been very busy these days. My husband is out of town for a business. Speaking of business, I really wanna have a business of my own. A business that I can manage from home.

I've been searching in internet about online business. I've found out that it's interesting. Like you get paid from placing ads on your site, get paid from reading e-mails, get paid from taking reviews and surveys, etc. But then I also find out that many of the programs are scam. They don't pay your earnings. It's kind of confusing. Especially for a beginner like me. I need guidance. Many people selling e-books about online business and internet marketing. But I don't know if the e-book can really help. I'm not sure. Internet helps, internet confuses.

I've signed up for a few PTC Sites and started to earn money from internet. I'll tell you later how it goes.

May be you have any experiences about online business and internet marketing. Share your experience with me please...:-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Be Careful

One morning, a few days ago, my sister in law told me that there's a woman looking for me. My in law told me that the woman was an errand of my neighbor and was told to see me for something. I wonder what she wanted from me. Then I came out to find out.

I've never met the woman before. She greeted me politely. and you know what??? She's a sales woman. She's selling MLM products like detergent, softener and floor cleaner. The MLM brand name was Misel. Ever heard of it? She tried to convince me that the products are the best. She compared them with other branded product like CNI and AmWay.

Well, I'm not an easily convinced person. First I told her that I didn't have any money to buy her products. Very expensive to me. She said "Please Mam, I've come a long way from here, trying to earn some money for my orphans". Then I told her that she hit the wrong target. I'm not the one in charge to manage the households. The house I live in belongs to my mother in law. The things I regularly buy are only my little family needs like diapers for my baby, toiletries for me, my husband and daughters, milk, food and mineral water. The ones in charge in our big family (there are 11 person live in the house) are my in laws. Once I told the sales woman so, she put all her products back in her plastic bag then stepped out the house, left me without saying any words. She went outside and met my mother and sister in law who were sitting in front of he house. She tried to sell her products to them. My sister in law ended up with buying one of the products. What a waste, sixty five thousand rupiahs for a bottle of liquid soap to clean cloths and dishes.

Another story happened just this afternoon. I was in my room, watching my baby's innocent face. She was sleeping. My niece came and told me that there's someone looking for me. I came out to find out. There were my mother in law and her assistant, my niece, and two other ladies that I have never met before. Seeing me, one of them said "oh yes, here's bunda..." like she has known me for years. She told me that she was sent by her mother to give me something like a present. I didn't know what it was. It was wrapped in a black plastic bag. It looked like food, cake or something. "I made it for bunda. Thank you for donating our foundation. You donated some money for us on behalf of Mrs. Sodik (my mother in law), right?" she said. "No, I didn't" I reply. I have never donated any money on behalf of my mother in law or anyone else in the family. "Oh yes, it was in 2006" she said. "Here's the thing bunda, There's something I want to talk to you" she asked me to sit down and listen to her. "We're having this 'sunatan massal', it costs us some money (she mentioned an amount of money but I forget how much--didn't pay much attention). We need more donation to buy sarung and kopiah" said the lady. While listening to her, I opened the plastic bag. There were three boxes of donuts--Pelita Donuts. Pelita Donuts is a homemade donuts brand. It has little store not very far from our house. I said "Are you sure you made it yourself? I know Pelita Donuts". She said "I made it myself". I noticed there's something wrong. To end the conversation I said " I am sorry, I don't have any money right now. We've just lost our car. We're in bad economic situation. Do you have any name /business card? May be someday when things get better we could make donation for your foundation". She said "Sorry I don't have one". And then.......she wrapped up the plastic bag that I've opened to see what's in it, and took it away with her.

Moral lessons:
  • Don't trust anyone easily, even if they show positive attitude at first sight. They're just act friendly to open conversation.
  • Beware of someone brings something in black/dark plastic bag. They are salesmans (not always...hehehe..)
  • If there's anyone offers you something, always check it first.
  • Don't let your door open. Don't sit in front of your house for quite a long time. It invites unknown people.
  • Don't be easily feel sorry for anyone mentions orphans, orphanage, or something like that.
  • ..... you could help me to add to the list
So....be careful guys, people are getting more "creative" these days.

I hope you can take advantage of my experience.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Me and My Family

My name is Umi Awaliyah, a mother of two adorable little girls.
Currently I'm a full time mother. I used to work for a company. Five years ago I decided to quit my job because my daughter needed me to be all by her side all the time. She was just a three months old baby at that time. I became a house wive ever since. I dedicate myself to serve & to love my dear husband and my adorable daughters.

My dear husband, Imam Budiman, is a hard working person, addicted to Amira & Azkiya, my two princesses. But may be not that addicted to me :-) He hardly ever told me that he loves me, but somehow I know he does. I might not be a good wive yet. I'm trying to be one.

Amira Nursaidah, my five years old daughter. She is a smart, sweet, and loveable little girl who always wonder "Why bunda likes to yell at me and not to my little sister?" Well, dear, I'm not a super mother. I yell when you do something bad. I'm sorry though. Bunda will try to be more patient with you, Amira.

Azkiya Zhafirah, my two and a half months baby. She is sooooo adorable. Her smile, her laugh, her cry, her cute face, her funny voices make my world much much more beautiful.

That's all I can share about me and my family for now.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I appreciate any comments from you.